Blood Collection

Blood Collection

MSoft Blood 360 – Blood Product Collection and Return

The MSoft Blood 360 kiosk is located in the Blood Bank and is a secure, tamper-proof computer with a touch sensitive screen and integrated scanner. The MSoft Blood 360 software is designed to control and monitor access to an external fridge or incubator containing blood products. It records the time, date and identity of the person accessing the fridge or incubator. It also records all activity - single and cumulative times - that a blood product is out of its controlled environment. It increases security by monitoring all aspects of blood release and reduces wastage through total time control.

Any staff member trained and deemed competent to do so can access the Blood Bank fridge 24/7 using their designated Biometric ID login. Competency in practice must be reassessed every two years. Failure to do so will result in de-activation of staff access until further training has been completed.

Contact one of the Transfusion Practitioners to arrange appropriate training or reassessment of competency:

Component Transport to the Clinical Areas

Generally, all blood components are transported in the white plastic bags provided. However, cool boxes are available in the Blood Bank. These are to be used for emergency transfusions only, when multiple units have been requested by the medical staff. When collecting two or more units of RBCs, one unit should always be delivered by hand to be transfused immediately on return to the clinical area. Additional units should be transported in individual cool boxes as needed.

If necessary blood may be stored safely in an unopened cool box for 3 hours. However, if it is unlikely to be used imminently it must be returned to the Blood Bank fridge as soon as possible. The Blood Bank staff or on-call biomedical scientist, should be informed.

Occasionally in certain life-threatening situations - blood can be transferred between hospitals. This can occur providing a medical escort is present, for patients requiring emergency specialist treatment. However, the Blood Bank team must be informed as soon as possible. They will then complete the required documentation prior to the transfer and send the information to Blood Transfusion, at the receiving hospital.

This webpage was reviewed and updated by Mark Taplin, Blood Transfusion Manager, 22nd February 2024


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