Operating Theatres
The Operating Theatre is the facility at Barnsley Hospital where surgical operations are carried out in a sterile environment.

Healthcare provided
Barnsley Hospital has eight operating theatres located in Main Theatres, two in the Day Surgery, two Minor Operations Theatres and one in Obstetrics.
The operating theatres are staffed by approximately 100 members of staff in Main Theatres and 25 staff in the Day Surgery Unit.
These staff are made up of a mixture of roles and include:
- Operating Department Practitioners
- Staff Nurses
- Healthcare Assistants
Our operating theatres undertake procedures from most clinical specialities including:
- Trauma and Orthopedics
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Gastro Intestinal / Colorectal – including Laparoscopic (Key Hole) and General
- Breast Surgery including reconstruction
- Dental
- Ophthalmology
- Urology including Laser
These procedures are a mix of both day case procedures and inpatient procedures.
Recovery from procedures is undertaken in our 11 bay Post Anesthetic Care Unit (PACU) adjacent to the main theatres. The PACU is a fully staffed unit, that ensures patients are fully recovered from their surgery before transferring back to the ward.