Board meetings and papers

Our Board of Directors’ meetings are held in public each month. This page has details of forthcoming meetings and links to papers.

Public sessions of Board meetings

Whilst the Board meeting is a meeting held in public it is not a public meeting. This means that the public are not able to participate in the main body of the meeting but are able to either watch the meeting live or view at a time of their own convenience using the link above.

We welcome public interest in our meetings and members of the public are able to ask questions relevant to the meeting agenda. Our process, as approved by the Board, is that any questions should be submitted in advance by email to

Please note, these requests will be brought to the attention of the Chair, who retains the right to accept or decline any questions to be put to the Board by any member of the public. If we are not able to provide a full answer to any question during the public session, a written response will be provided by the lead director.

More information

The Board of Directors meetings commence at 9.30 am, in Lecture Theatre 1 & 2, Education Centre, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.  

If you are planning on attending the meeting in person, please email the team to confirm your attendance.    

If you need any further information please email the team or call 01226 436004