Board of Directors Public Meeting - Thursday 6 June 2024

We are pleased to announce that the next meeting of the Trust’s Board of Directors, held in public will commence at 9.30am on Thursday 6 June 2024, in Lecture Theatres 1 & 2, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Gawber Road, Barnsley, S75 2EP.  The agenda and supporting papers are attached to this article.

Board Meeting
The main hospital building with pink cherry tree blossom in the foreground

The Board welcomes members of the public to observe its public proceedings. If you would like to watch the meeting, you can attend in person or a copy of the recording will be made available following the meeting.

If you have a question for the Board on the business to be considered at this meeting, you can e-mail that to by 5pm on Tuesday 4 June 2024.  

Questions on the business of the Board will be asked at the meeting by the Chair, who may decline to bring forward irrelevant or inappropriate questions. If time constraints mean that not all questions submitted can be raised, the Trust will seek to provide a written response from the relevant Director.