Council of Governors meeting - Wednesday 26 July 2023

The next Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Council of Governors meeting will be held in public on Wednesday 26 July 2023 commencing at 3.00 pm at the Rigby Suite, Metrodome Leisure Complex, Queens Road, Barnsley, S71 1AN.   

Council of Governors Meeting
Hospital governors visit the hospital

The meeting will also be live-streamed on the day which you can watch on YouTube

We welcome public interest in our meetings and members of the public can ask questions relevant to the meeting agenda.  Our process, as approved by the Board, is that any questions should be submitted in advance by email

Please note, these requests will be brought to the attention of the Chair, who retains the right to accept or decline any questions to be put to the Council of Governors by any member of the public. If we are not able to provide a full answer to any question during the public session, consideration will be given to providing a written response by the relevant lead director.

Public Council of Governors Meeting Combined Meeting Papers Wednesday 26 July 2023