Absorbable sutures

You have had absorbable sutures used to close your wound. This means they do not need removing and will gradually dissolve as the wound heals.

How should I care for my wound?

Keep the wound covered as advised by the medical or nursing staff. Keep the wound clean and dry.

If you have a scalp wound, be careful when washing or combing your hair.

Your stitches will dissolve within the next 3 weeks.

Do I need to return to the Emergency Department?

You should return to the Emergency Department if:

  • your wound starts to bleed heavily
  • your wound becomes red, hot, swollen or painful
  • Most people do not need to be seen again.

Reviewed by Dr T Shaw in October 2022, next review in October 2024. 

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  • Page last reviewed: 8 August 2024
  • Next review due: 1 October 2024