Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
Latest news

Our winter 2023 edition of Barnsley Hospital News is now out!
It’s full of fun and sparkle to brighten your coffee break through this..er..festive weather. We’ve even got a Christmas Raffle with a fantastic first prize of £1,000! (page 4).
- Barnsley Hospital News

We are pleased to announce that the next meeting of the Trust’s Board of Directors, held in public will be starting at 9.30 am on Thursday 7 December 2023, in Lecture Theatre One and Two, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Gawber Road, Barnsley, S75 2EP.
- Board Meeting

One of the largest health and social care careers events took place in Barnsley on 22 November 2023, introducing local students to a range of job opportunities within health and social care.
- News
- Partnership news

The UK Government’s Office for Veterans’ Affairs has launched a major new consultation to gather evidence on the experiences of UK Armed Forces veterans.
- Partnership news

Barnsley Hospital has been celebrating Black History Month with a ‘Call My Name’ campaign and a survey about the needs and experience of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) colleagues.
- News

A new national initiative, aimed at offering patients a potential alternative choice of where to have their treatment, is set to launch on Tuesday 31 October 2023. The Patient Initiated Digital Mutual Aid System (PIDMAS) has been created to help manage the process.
- News

Barnsley Hospital has been accredited as ‘Veteran Aware’ – and was proud to receive a plaque unveiled in hospital main reception by Barnsley Central MP Dan Jarvis, also a former Army officer.
- Partnership news

The head of the NHS has visited Barnsley’s award-winning Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) to learn about its latest expansion plans.
Amanda Pritchard, NHS Chief Executive, visited the ground-breaking CDC in Barnsley’s retail centre The Glass Works on Friday (October 13). The high-tech healthcare unit in the heart of Barnsley is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team of hospital staff and has been serving patients since 18 April, 2022.
- Press release

Over 1,500 local people voted over the weekend on the name of our new surgical centre at Montagu Hospital in Mexborough. With 56% of the vote, we are pleased to announce that the service will be called the 'Mexborough Elective Orthopaedic Centre of Excellence' or M-E-OC for short.
- Partnership news