Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
Latest news

Barnsley Hospital patients are now able to benefit from using the NHS App to view appointment information.
- News
- Press release

A special edition of ‘Barnsley Hospital News’ to celebrate 75 years of the NHS! You’ll find it in the Barnsley Chronicle today (Friday 28 July).
- Barnsley Hospital News

We are pleased to announce that the next meeting of the Trust’s Board of Directors, held in public will be starting at 9.30am on Thursday 3 August 2023, at Barnsley College Business Centre, County Way, Barnsley S70 2JW.
- Board Meeting

The next Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Council of Governors meeting will be held in public on Wednesday 26 July 2023 commencing at 3.00 pm at the Rigby Suite, Metrodome Leisure Complex, Queens Road, Barnsley, S71 1AN.
- Council of Governors Meeting

Working in partnership with Barnsley Hospital and The Rotherham Hospital, colleagues at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals are leading the programme to implement a new, dedicated orthopaedic hub for the people of South Yorkshire.
- Partnership news

During the Covid-19 pandemic the hospital received many wonderful donations, amongst which were thousands of pairs of knitted hearts which were primarily given to a patient and a loved one so they had identical hearts to hold on to.
- News

The Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) at Barnsley Glassworks, developed by Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with Barnsley Facilities Services (BFS), has been awarded the prestigious title of “Project of the Year” at the annual red-carpet Healthcare Estates and Facilities Management Awards (HEFMA).
- News

This edition takes a look at our wonderful new Intensive Care Unit, and features all the winners this year's Hospital Heart Awards.
- Barnsley Hospital News

Becoming a new dad will be an exciting chapter in many people’s lives. However, as with any big change it can also leave dads feeling left out, unsure and overwhelmed. That’s where DadPad can help.
- News
- Partnership news